중앙대학교 간호학 박사
중앙대학교 간호학 학사
시뮬레이션, 재난, 건강불평등, 학대
Dahye Park, Jeongmin Ha(2023) Education program promoting report of elder abuse by nursing students: a pilot study. BMC Geriatrics. 23:204.
Dahye Park, Jeehye Jun(2023). Factors Influencing Sleep Duration and Sleep Difficulty in People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 52(3), 553-562.
Jeehye Jun, Dahye Park(2023). Factors Associated with Self-Rated Health among Korean Elderly. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 52(2), 360-370.
Hyun-Jung Kim, Jin-Hwa Kim, Dahye Park(2022). Analysis of the adequacy of infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation according to chest compression technique. Signa Vitae. 2022, 1-9.
Jeongmin Ha, Dahye Park(2022). Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among university students in South Korea during the COVID-19 pandemic: the application of interpersonal-psychological theory and early maladaptive schema. . PeerJ 10:e13830.
Hee-jeong Kim, Dahye Park(2022). Gender-Specific Factors Associated with Health-Related Quality of Life in Obese Korean Older Adults: Evidence from the 2020 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 19(2022), 8275, 1-11.
Hyun-Jung Kim, Dahye Park(2022). Understanding the Influencing Factors and Experiences of Clinical Learning Environment in COVID-19. Journal of System and Management Sciences, 12(2022), 2, 357 - 372.
Jeongmin Ha, Hyun-Jung Kim, Jin-Hwa Kim, Dahye Park(2022). Experience of Disaster Response Team in Jecheon Sports Center Fire, Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine, 10(1), 39 - 48.
Jeongmin Ha, Dahye Park(2021).Factors associated with psychosocial problems in Korean nursing and nonnursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic, PeerJ, 9:e12541.
Hyun-Jung Kim, Dahye Park, Jin-Hwa Kim(2021). The Analysis on Diagnostic Accuracy of Tympanic Membrane and Forehead Temperature in Various Environments. Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils(NVEO), 8(5), 2226 - 2233.
Jeongmin Ha, Dahye Park(2021). Comparison of Nurses’ Image in Korean Online Newspaper Articles before and after COVID-19: A Text Mining Analysis. Medico-Legal Update, 2021(4), 219-229.
Hee-Jeong Kim, Dahye Park, Min-Sook Seo(2021). The Effect of Group Bullying, Stress of Clinical Practice, and Ego-resilience on Adjustment to College life, Journal of Korea Society for Wellness, 16(3), 115-123.
Hee-Jeong Kim, Min-Sook Seo, Dahye Park(2021). Factors influencing intention to intervene in elder abuse among nursing students, PeerJ, 9:e12079.
Hyun-Jung Kim, Jin-Hwa Kim, Dahye Park(2021). Comparing audio- and video-delivered instructions in dispatcher-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation with drone-delivered automatic external defibrillator: a mixed methods simulation study, Peer J,9:e11761.
Hee-Jeong Kim, Min-Sook Seo, Dahye Park(2021). Effects of career maturity, major satisfaction, and self-control on job stress of college students, Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, 12(6), 83-90.
Jeongmin Ha, Dahye Park(2021). Educational needs related to elder abuse among undergraduate nursing
students in Korea: An importance-performance analysis, Nurse Education Today, 104(2021), 1-8.
Dahye Park(2021). Health-related behavior, medical service use, and hrqol in elderly korean living alone and elderly korean living with family: Using the 2018 third-year knhaes data, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(1), 837-345.
Jeongmin Ha, Dahye Park(2021). Factors Related to Problem Drinking in Korean Elderly, Medico-Legal Update, 2021(2), 290-298.
Hyun Jeong Kim, Jin Hwa Kim, Dahye Park(2021). Factors influencing hrqol in elderly korean with osteoarthritis: Based on the 2018 third-year knhaes data, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25(1), 1269-1278.
Dahye Park, Jeongmin Ha(2020). Comparison of COVID-19 and MERS risk communication in Korea: A case study of TV public service advertisements, RISK MANAGEMENT AND HEALTHCARE POLICY, 2020(13), 2469-2482.
Hyun Jeong Kim, Dahye Park(2020). Nursing Students’ Awareness, Knowledge and Attitudes on Child Abuse, Medico-legal Update, 20(4), 217-222.
하정민, 박다혜(2020). 청력저하 노인의 건강과 관련된 삶의 질 영향요인: 2018 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여, 한국융합학회논문지, 11(7), 97-104.
Hyun Jeong Kim, Dahye Park(2020). Effects of Applying Flipped Learning to Simulation Training in Nursing Students, Medico-legal Update, 20(1), 1679-1684.
Dahye Park, Eun Hee Jang(2020). Exploring the influence of safety perception and safety control on clinical performance ability and self confidence in patient safety in korean nursing students, Medico-legal Update, 19(1), 489-495.
김현정, 박다혜(2019). 간호대학생의 직소모형과 플립러닝 융합교육 효과, 융합정보논문지, 9(3), 36-43.
박다혜, 김희정(2019). Relationship between Health-Related Quality of Life and Suicide Ideation in a Nationally Representative Sample of Elderly Koreans, 대한통합의학회지, 7(1), 57-64.
박다혜, 김현정(2019). 시뮬레이션 기반 교육이 간호대학생의 전문심폐소생술 지식, 수행에 대한 자신감, 비판적 사고성향, 임상실무능력에 미치는 효과, 한국융합학회논문지, 9(1), 61-67.
박다혜, 장은희(2018). 간호대학생의 MBTI 선호유형에 따른 수면의 질 및 사회적 지지가 스트레스에 미치는 영향
, 한국융합학회논문지, 9(11), 529-538.
Dahye Park (2018).Types of Debriefing in Nursing Simulation Classes(Subjectivity Study), Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 9(9), 887-893.
박다혜, 김현정(2018). 간호대학생의 학교생활적응에 미치는 융복합적 영향요인, Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, 9(1), 353-361.
박다혜, 김현정(2017). 제 6기 국민건강영양조사에 기초한 만성 폐쇄성폐질환자의 삶의 질, 한국웰니스학회, 12(4), p.289-299.
Dahye Park, Minsook Seo(2017). The Effect of Inhaling Aromas on the Quality of Sleep and Fatigue of three Shift Working Nurses, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 14, p. 3612-3615.
Dahye Park , Hee Jeong Kim(2017). Factors Affecting Drinking Behavior in College Students, International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, SP-05, p. 874-880.
Dahye Park, Karen G. Schepp, Sihyun Park (2016). Living with appending a scarlet letter: The lifelong suffering of children of alcoholics in South Korea, Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 15, P. 1-18.
2020.5.1-2022.4.30 한국연구재단 신진연구자지원사업 연구비 수주
2021.6.1-2024.5.30 한국연구재단 지역대학우수과학자지원사업 연구비 수주