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전통 한의학의 현대화, 세계화를 추구하는​한의과 대학

본문 시작


  • 조태현 교수 사진
    조태현 (TaeHyeon Cho) 교수
    • 소속 한의과대학   한의예과  
    • 연구실 한의학관 3층 303호
    • 전화번호 043-649-1348
    • 이메일 gods176@semyung.ac.kr
    • 담당과목


연세대학교 의과대학 해부학교실 2018. 03. ~ 2023. 02.
현) 세명대학교 한의예과 조교수 2023. 03 ~


맨눈 해부 및 임상해부학 연구
신경해부학 연구


Three-dimensional structure of the orbicularis retaining ligament: an anatomical study using micro-computed tomography (2018).
Comparison of injectate spread and nerve involvement between retrolaminar and erector spinae plane blocks in the thoracic region: a cadaveric study (2018).
Use of Micro X-ray Computed Tomography with Phosphotungstic Acid Preparation to Visualize Human Fibromuscular Tissue (2019).
Intramuscular innervation of the subscapularis muscle and its clinical implication for the BoNT injection: An anatomical study using the modified Sihler's staining (2019).
Interfascicular septum of the calcaneal tunnel and its relationship with the plantar nerves: A cadaveric study (2019).
Influence of injectate volume on paravertebral spread in erector spinae plane block: An endoscopic and anatomical evaluation (2019).
A Detailed Analysis of the Blood Supply to the Subscapularis Muscle (2019).
Guideline for Botulinum Toxin Injections in the Effective Treatment of Fibular Spasticity (2020).
The Nasolabial Fold: A Micro-Computed Tomography Study (2020).
Analysis of the positional relationship of the long thoracic nerve considering clinical treatment (2021).
Anatomy of the thoracic paravertebral space: 3D micro-CT findings and their clinical implications for nerve blockade (2021).
Micro-computed tomography with contrast enhancement: An excellent technique for soft tissue examination in humans (2021).
Striking a balance between uniformity and iconoclasm: a reply to Dr Nielsen et al (2022).
The pathway of injectate spread during thoracic intertransverse process (ITP) block: Micro-computed tomography findings and anatomical evaluations (2022)
Anatomical study of the adductor canal: 3D micro-CT, histological, and immunofluorescence findings relevant to neural blockade (2022).
Retrodural space of Okada in the posterior ligamentous complex region: clinical and anatomical findings relevant to lumbar interlaminar epidural injection (2023).
Delineation and histological examination of the intramuscular innervation of the platysma: Application to botulinum neurotoxin injection (2023).


  • 담당부서 : 한의과대학
  • 담당자 : 황성민
  • 연락처 : 043-649-1701
  • 최종수정일 : 2024-10-26
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